
Red and white flowers arranged as a pretty and simple bouquet


in Las Vegas

Flowers are the heart of a wedding celebration. Flowers represent so many ideals related to romance, elegance and tradition. The right flowers will encompass your wedding day vision. Many couples have been using wedding flowers for years as part of traditional elements to add to their wedding. Trust The Little Vegas Chapel to create a unique wedding bouquet, floral arrangements, and decor for you that will give you a wonderful, long-lasting memory to share with your new spouse.

12 Rose Bouquet


Field of Flowers - Seasonal Flowers


Garden Bouquet


Spring Hydrangea with Pink Roses


Blushing Pink Bouquet


Floral Aisle Decor (2)



the Wedding Flower

Do you know why flowers have become such an iconic symbol of love, weddings, and tradition? Ancient Rome is where the origin of wedding flowers started to become seen as a symbol of weddings. Flowers were used during wedding ceremonies to symbolize new beginnings, fidelity, and fertility. During the Middle Ages, herbs were included or used in place of flowers. The herbs were thought to keep evil spirits and bad luck from interfering in the couple’s new life together. During the Victorian Era, it was customary to see flowers as symbols of love and were often used to express admiration and devotion.

Flowers come in a variety of types, ranging from different species and colors. You are bound to find the perfect bouquet for your dream wedding decor. Each flower represents a different belief and symbol in wedding culture. Colors play an important role in wedding planning as well. Red flowers traditionally symbolize passion, while pink signifies joy to name a few popular color choices. The options are endless and can quickly become overwhelming. You can definitely trust the professionals at The Little Vegas Chapel to deliver beautiful arrangements for your special day.

A cropped image of bride and groom with a focus on the bouquet
A beautiful arrangement of sunflower bouquet


Floral Services

We want your wedding to be one that you will always remember fondly. Our wedding packages include several styles of flowers and floral arrangements that are tailored to match the vibe of your wedding. We recommend floral services as it does allow you to focus on the other elements of planning your wedding. We always work hard to relieve the stress burden related to planning your special day, so let our experienced florists and wedding coordinators help by offering custom flowers for you.

Browse through our gallery of flowers to see some of our amazing modern floral arrangements created for our couples. We work with our guests to ensure they both feel their personalities and tastes are represented in their floral arrangements


Our elegant floral arrangements are:

  • 3 Rose Bouquet and Boutonniere: $45
  • 6 Rose Bouquet and Boutonniere: $65
  • Spring Hydrangea Bouquet and Boutonniere: $125
  • Garden Bouquet and Boutonniere: $125
  • Blushing Pink Bouquet and Boutonniere: $185

For all other requests, just let us know. Our wedding planners will make sure we can create floral arrangements that the couples appreciate and will love.

Flowers are an essential part of any wedding, adding beauty and style to the event. But with so many different types of flowers available, how do you choose the right ones for your big day? Here are a few tips:

Elegant floral bouquet arrangement

First, consider the overall theme and color scheme of your wedding. This will help you narrow down the choices and choose flowers that compliment the overall aesthetic.

Next, think about the location of your wedding. Indoor weddings tend to be more formal, while outdoor weddings can be more relaxed. This will also affect the type of flowers you choose. For example, if you’re having an outdoor summer wedding, roses may not be the best choice as they can wilt in the heat.

Finally, don’t forget to budget for your flowers. Wedding flowers can be expensive, so it’s important to set aside enough money to get the exact look you want. Talk to your florist about what’s available within your budget. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to choose the perfect flowers for your big day!

Flower bouquet image


Have Flowers at Your Wedding

There are a number of elements that make a wedding day unique. Flowers are one of the key components and the perfect accessory to make your wedding day feel complete. Brides often walk down the aisle with beautiful arrangements in their hand, and are often surrounded by elegant centerpieces around the chapel, chairs, and tables. Flowers make the best finishing touches to your perfect wedding. Contact The Little Vegas Chapel to discuss your wedding flowers and let us help you plan your dream wedding in Las Vegas!

Weddings Starting As
Low As Only $299


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