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Tips on Surviving Your First Thanksgiving as Newlyweds

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The wedding is over and your exciting new life together has begun; now it’s time to face some of the newlywed “firsts” that come to all couples – starting with your first Thanksgiving as newlyweds! With the holiday right around the corner, you’re likely fielding pressure from both families to attend or even host them for Thanksgiving. Here are a few ways to get through the holiday – happily.

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Communicate Openly and Early

If you’ll be choosing one family over another for the holiday, communicate this early. Don’t worry about making excuses; honesty is the best approach. You can say, “We want to spend Christmas with you, so we’re spending Thanksgiving here,” or “My mother-in-law is alone this Thanksgiving so we thought we should spend it with her.” And don’t wait ‘til the last minute; give your family the courtesy of knowing your plans in advance.

Don’t Worry About Pleasing Everyone

When you have two families in the mix, you’ll soon learn you won’t be able to please everyone all the time. But your families should understand that you’re now part of a new family, too. It might take some getting used to, but you’ll likely find a schedule or new tradition that works for everyone.

Work Together

If you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, that might be an intimidating prospect. Make sure you communicate and work together to prepare for the meal. If you need help in the kitchen, ask for it. You and your spouse have committed to being a team, and now’s the time to show it!

Keep Some Traditions

While you’ll be making new traditions as a married couple, it’s okay – and encouraged – to keep some of those old ones your spouse cherishes. If your wife can’t stand Christmas without her mother’s green bean casserole, that’s okay. If he spends every Thanksgiving afternoon watching football, let him have it.

Celebrate Your Marriage

This is the perfect time of year to reflect on your blessings. And if you’re a newlywed, you have them in spades! Take some time during dinner (or after, if you’d like it to be more private), to reflect on your Las Vegas wedding and marriage; there’s lots to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

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