Las Vegas sign weddings are always fun

Las Vegas Sign Weddings are Always Fun!

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Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas Sign

One of the most iconic parts of Las Vegas is visiting the “Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas” sign located on the world famous Las Vegas strip since 1959. The popular sign is a must-see for anyone visiting Las Vegas, and makes for an ideal location for wedding photos. The sign itself is on the South end of the strip about one mile South of the Mandalay Bay, where it’s a little quieter and isolated from most of the tourist action in the city.

Las Vegas sign weddings are always fun

Visiting the Las Vegas Sign

The Little Vegas Chapel can bring you right to the Las Vegas sign and take your wedding pictures with the icon. The sign is free to visit and it truly is a destination within a destination and a must-do item when visiting Las Vegas. To get to the sign, drive South on the Las Vegas strip until you reach the sign where you make a left turn and park on the South end of the strip. The parking lot is small, so you may need to park further down the strip and walk back to the sign.

If you do plan to walk to the sign, always check the temperature as it can heat up quickly in the summer. We recommend visiting the sign in the evening hours when the heat is cooling down and the bright lights of the city are turned on. The sign is about one mile South of the Mandalay Bay in the middle of the road. You will need to cross the street to get to the sign, so it is important to pay attention to the traffic flows so you can safely get to the sign.

The Fabulous Las Vegas sign is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the area, so you will normally need to spend time in a line to visit the sign and take pictures.

Wedding Photos In Front of the Las Vegas Sign

The visually stunning impact of the Las Vegas strip behind you and your new spouse in the wedding photos is something you will be able to appreciate forever. With the popularity of the sign, it’s no question that this will be one wedding photo all your friends will be impressed to see. If you book your the Las Vegas Neon Lights wedding package with The Little Vegas Chapel, you will be driven up to the sign in one of our impressive limos, or a Pink Cadillac, just like the one Elvis Presley drove!

As the summer can get quite warm, and the lines in front of the sign can become tedious to wait in, we have created our own unique sign for you to enjoy! The Little Vegas Chapel has a Fabulous sign that is located inside our chapel, where it’s nice and air conditioned and no lines to wait in for a picture! Contact us for more information on planning your Las Vegas wedding!

[Updated June 17, 2018]

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